Picture from The Light’s Work Fancasting livestream of Anas and Grace making a non alcoholic champagne toast with “Jennie” in front of Anas’s wood paneled Dusty Steve background and bookshelf featuring the Wheel of Time series in the Juniper covers

About Us

The Light's Work began with a Very Good Friendship.

We met by chance on a plane to JordanCon 2022 and, after discovering we are basically the same person, haven’t stopped talking since.

The podcast evolved from working together on collaborative projects that pulled Wheel of Time fans together to share their appreciation for each other and the fandom. We made people cry (in a good way), but it wasn’t long before we realized we had a lot to say about how WoT fandom has impacted our own lives.

Whether it’s brought us joy, supported us through hard times, sparked our curiosity and penchant for endless theorizing, helped us rediscover our creativity, or led us to find love, the fandom continues to surprise us in countless ways——and we love surprises.

What is it about sharing passion for an epic fantasy series that fosters such generosity and depth of connection? Why is The Wheel of Time fandom so warm and welcoming? How did we become “statistically the best”?

We set out to answer these questions through research and discussion with other Wheel of Time fans and friends. What we found was that the mystery is part of the joy, and what matters most are the precious relationships we’ve built with one another.

Anas's chibi has long black hair. He has dark brown eyes and a full beard and mustache. He has a kind smile (with a hint of smirk). He is wearing a black Asha’man coat with red and gold embroidery, sword at hip, and a seal in his right hand.

Anas (he/him)

Anas is a pulmonary and critical care physician who loves finding deep meaning and connections in everything he is passionate about. The Wheel of Time fandom has fostered this passion by bringing so many love-filled projects to fruition.

He is an Innkeeper at The Dusty Wheel and the host of The Dusty Steve show. You can find him on Twitter at

Anas thrives in hatching elaborate and sneaky schemes, with a penchant for grandeur and panache that brings people to tears. And with him, there’s always another secret.

Grace's chibi, with short wavy light brown hair and hazel eyes, wears Aiel cadinsor with white strips of cloth flowing around it and a black veil hanging loose around her neck, while sharpening a knife and looking mischievous.

Grace (she/her)

Grace is a Libra with Taurus rising and Gemini moon who loves cute animals, sour patch kids, and cozy mornings at home with a hot beverage.

She is a licensed mental health counselor who is fascinated with the psychology of fandom and wants to understand why Wheel of Time fans are so bloody awesome. She is eternally grateful to the fandom for reigniting her creativity through projects like writing, singing, video editing, meme-making, and, most of all, The Light’s Work Podcast.

Also known as
Bain & Chiad, Grace is a cohost of Three Fold Talk and writes a listicle column called Maidens’ List on thegreatblight.com.